Meet Rachel!
Rachel is a key component in all things Saving Great Animals, we truly could not do what we do without her! Rachel helps in almost all facets of the organization, but serves primarily as our Volunteer Accounting Manager. Rachel has also been instrumental in the creation of our rehabilitation house, Doug’s Place. Keep reading to learn more!

Tell us a little bit about yourself:
I grew up in Seattle, am a Certified Public Accountant, and currently work for an alternative investment fund administration firm. I enjoy watching Seattle sports and crafting in my free time, and of course spending time with my dog, Maple.
How have you supported SGA and what does it mean to you?
I have volunteered at transports, adoption events, as a short-term foster early on, and have donated some over the years. Most importantly, I joined SGA as the volunteer accounting manager in September 2018. I setup the organization on a financial reporting system, recording all cash activity and handling all contributions, invoicing, bill pay, donor questions, as well as all tax filings and regulatory reporting. I love accounting but I rarely get to do the work in a manager role at work. Having the opportunity to set something up from scratch and see it function so well was very satisfying, and seeing the financial growth SGA has experienced over the last five years has been so rewarding. I love getting to spend time with other dogs outside my house, since Maple doesn’t like house guests. I love making a difference in both the lives of the dog and the adoptive family, as furry companions bring so much love, joy, and entertainment to our lives.
What’s one of the funniest things your dog or foster has done?
Maple absolutely loves jumping after flies in the background, which looks hilarious since she’s basically just jumping and snapping at air. We call it Maple TV.
What made you decide to join SGA?
After I adopted my first dog from PAWS, I learned about their foster program and looked for other local rescues with fostering opportunities to help socialize Maple. I found Saving Great Animals in July 2017, and although fostering did not go so well for Maple, I stayed involved with the organization. I have always loved dogs – their companionship and unconditional love is so therapeutic, and the resilience, trust, and love rescue dogs pulled from less-than-ideal situations show is truly inspiring.
How did Doug’s Place come to be?
Jacintha had dreamed of SGA owning or leasing a house that we could use as a “permanent foster home” where dogs could be rehabilitated or held temporarily in an emergency, where volunteers could engage and we could provide training. At the same time, I was feeling restless in Ballard and looking to move out of the city. I looked for a property in proximity to Jacintha and SeaTac with two houses, one where I could live and one that SGA could use. It seemed like a perfect opportunity for a “trial run” of what could be if SGA were to open its own facility or purchase a larger house or property. I would also get to spend more time with more dogs since Maple prefers to be the only dog in my house.
What’s one of your favorite memories with SGA?
Through SGA I connected with a group of ladies who introduced me to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, UT. We went as a group and volunteered at the Sanctuary for about a week, connecting with a dog who was eventually transferred to SGA. I returned by myself a couple years later and it’s still one of my favorite places to go to.
How long have you been fostering or volunteering with SGA? If you’re a foster how many dogs have you fostered?
I attempted to foster 5 dogs, only 2 of which went fairly well. I first connected with SGA in July 2017 and became the volunteer Accounting Manager in September 2018.
What’s one of the weirdest thing’s your dog has eaten?
Luckily Maple steers clear of weird things, but eats any food she can find, including toxic chocolate and grapes.
What would you say to someone who’s thinking of volunteering or fostering?
If you are passionate about dogs and want to help homeless dogs find a second change, SGA is one of many great organizations actively making a difference.

Saving Great Animals cannot thank Rachel enough for all of the important behind the scenes and hands on work she does to help save dogs.